Vayikra – Biur Lo Sashbis Melach – Class 2

A profound discourse on the significance of  Torah study. Why we must study both the revealed and mystical dimensions of the Torah?

Tazria – Sos Tasis Vesagel Ho’akarah

The Sages teach us that the gender of the child is determined  by which partner transmits seed first. If its the Father then it will be a Girl if its the Mother then it will be a Boy. This has a mystical meaning as well. We the Jewish people are married to G-D the children that we produce in our marriage is the love of G-D that is Kabbalisticlly referred to as our spiritual children. The love can either be Male or Female. A masculine love is a striving and a passion to cleave to G-D’s very self even if that would mean an end to the soul as we know it. A feminine love is a striving and passion to experience a ray of Divinity that would allow for the Soul to retain its own existence.