Bo – Basi L’gani – 5730

The purpose of creation is to bring the Shecinah (Divine presence) down to earth. Initially when the world was  created the Shecinah resided on earth. As a consequence of  seven sinful generations the Shechina retreated back to heaven. Our mission is to restore the world back to its original state,  a home and primary residence for G-D.

Bo – Be’etzem Hoyom Hazeh

The significance of the name Tzvakos.  A name of G-D that first appears in the prophets. Why didn’t Moshe use that name? All names of G-d refer to G-d as he is projecting through a specific attribute. Generally these are referring to the attributes of Atzilut the “world of emanation” were the attributes are completely one with G-d. Its from that level that Moshe’s prophesy was derived. The latter prophets had a lower level of prophesy from the “world of Briah” the world of creation. They were able to draw G-D’s projection into the lower attributes which is where the name Tzvakos applies.